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"If you don't quit, and don't cheat, and
don't run home when trouble arrives,
you can only win."
don't run home when trouble arrives,
you can only win."
- Shelley Long
"Put your heart, mind, intellect, and soul even to your smallest acts. This is the secret of success."
- Swami Sivananda
"The person who makes a success of living is the one who sees his goal steadily and aims for it unswervingly. That is dedication."
- Cecil B. Demille
"People who are afraid to fail can experience
the joys of success."
the joys of success."
- Peta Zafra
"No matter how small, acknowledge
the achievement."
the achievement."
- Greg Henry Quinn
"One only gets to the top rung on the ladder
by steadily dumbing up one at a time, and
suddenly, all sorts of powers, all sorts of
abilities which you thought never belonged
to you - suddenly become within Your Own
possibility and you think,'Well,
I'll have a go, too."
by steadily dumbing up one at a time, and
suddenly, all sorts of powers, all sorts of
abilities which you thought never belonged
to you - suddenly become within Your Own
possibility and you think,'Well,
I'll have a go, too."
- Margaret Thatcher
"It is in the small decisions you and
I make every day that creates our destiny."
I make every day that creates our destiny."
- Anthony Robbins
Top 10 Quotes Images, Greetings, Pictures for whatsapp - bestwishespics
Reviewed by Blogger
December 29, 2018

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